
Envopak Seals

  • 編號:Envopak Seals

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Envopak Seals

Normally, the seals are used in banks, casher, polling place, ATM, and …etc. It is convenient for tracking the cash, medicine, ticket, and any kind of important stuff need to be monitored or secured. It is efficient on security management.
※The seal is one-time-use only. Once the bags are open, the seal will be broken. If you found the seal disappeared or broken, the bags might have been opened.
  ENVOPAK Seals -It is the most efficient managing tool for shift change, transfer, security

Instruction of Using Security Seals

Snowberry is the Asian distributor and oversea OEM manufacture of ITW-ENVOPAK. Please watch the fakes in the market. Some fakes might have quality issues. The issues will affect the function.